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Rob Quatro Masters the World in Vegas

rob quatro captures musclemania world masters title

Interview withĀ  Steve Jones Editor-in-chief

What Rob Quatro has achieved over the last 12 months alone is truly inspiring, capturing 1st place in the 2014 MusclemaniaĀ® Australia Masters Class and then turning up the heat in Vegas to bring home the MusclemaniaĀ® World Masters Title as part of the incredibly successful Natural Bodz Australian Team. Rob is in fact 45 years young, so for those over forty year olds out there who think they have missed the boat, get ready to be inspired by Robā€™s story. And in saying that, if he can do it so can you!

Can you convey to our readers the feeling you had after taking out these prestigious titleā€™s and the whole Team Vegas experience?
Competing at Musclemania Australia wasnā€™t something Iā€™d planned to do although as I was prepping for another show and was in good shape I thought Iā€™d give Musclemania a crack. Taking out the win was a complete surprise to me and because of that win the door opened to be selected for the Natural Bodz Vegas team. Going over to Vegas was a dream come true. The whole experience was great. Everyone in the team was amazing to be around, and there was plenty of Australian support. I formed a brotherly bond with the boys I roomed with, them being Kwame Jack-Duah, Billie Paea and Marinus Van-Stolk. Our team mangers Steve & Antonietta Jones were there providing their unconditional support & mentoring of the team. I will be forever grateful for the
experience of competing and the friendships I made.

You must have really turned up the intensity on your training and diet between the MusclemaniaĀ® Australia and the World Titles in Vegas because your level of conditioning was out of this world, I would put money on you as being one of the most conditioned competitors in the entire show. What changes did you make and can your share some of those with our
Thank you for the compliment. I feel very humbled to hear your comments when there were so many great athletes competing. I remain consistent with my diet all year round so itā€™s not as much stress mentally and physically when the real dieting begins. Also, with over 26 years of experience Iā€™ve started to understand the way that my body works. Following a great meal plan from a dietitian who has studied nutrition puts you a step ahead of your competitors. Some steps I put in place are: Mental preparation – this is the biggest factor. You must push past the pain barrier of
thinking ā€œI cannotā€ to ā€œI canā€. Doing more than necessary – my competitors may be sleeping at 4am but I was always pushing myself to do the extra mile. Sticking to my food plan – having an accredited dietitian is essential. They do their part so I can focus on training. Enjoy the journey – remember it is not the destination that is the key but
enjoying the journey of life along the way. If you always think satisfaction and success come only when you reach your goal then you miss the most important part of life, and that is LIFE itself, with family, friends, etc.

On the topic of training, what is your training mantra, do you believe in lifting big to get big or lean more towards the high intensity approach, what works for you?
I keep to the foundational exercises – squats, benchpress, deadlifts and chin-ups. I plan my isolated exercises around my foundational exercises. I enjoy heavy lifting as I love being strong. I guess that comes from my powerlifting background. I also like to mix up my training from heavy and medium lifting with high and low reps, as this means I am continually shocking my body each week.

Everyone has idols they look up to in the fitness industry and I believe you were also a very successful boxer in your time. Who provided the inspiration to fuel your journey and achieve the success that you have achieved across your chosen sports?
Well actually mine have not just been sporting heroes but there have been plenty of actors and athletes who have inspired me. People like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Evander Holyfield, Bruce Lee and my biggest inspiration Sylvester Stallone in his character Rocky Balboa. Most people can relate to the Rocky story because itā€™s a one in a million shot at success – the underdog, the fighter, the street-smart man who wins in life. People think their lack of education or bad choices when young have lead them to a dead-end life, but it can be exactly the opposite. Understanding your gifting at whatever age is what makes your dreams come true, and that can help you win in life if you have a ā€œnever give up, never give inā€ attitude. Thatā€™s what inspires me to continue, even through adversity.

On the topic of boxing. The training involved for a boxer is intense to say the least; do you feel this background has helped you harness the power of the weights to push beyond what you could have otherwise achieved with no prior fight training?
Without a doubt, boxing is the hardest challenge I have ever taken on, both mentally and physically. I only had two professional fights, but in those two fights I learned a lot about myself, about how to dig deep and not quit. I also learned if you are not big enough to lose, you are not big enough to win. I lost both my fights by split decision against a champion guy Steve Tienan. One fight was in front of 3000 people and the other on Fox Sports. Throughout both I learned a lot about myself. Mostly I learned that the battlefield is the mind, that if I can control my mind, then I can begin to steer my life in the direction of success.

As I mentioned in my introduction you are 45 year old and look better than any 20 year old. Do you feel that many out of shape over 40yr olds throw in the towel and take the attitude that itā€™s too late and there is nothing they can do?
I have come across a lot of people in their 40s, who feel like itā€™s too late to achieve their dreams. They begin to have a midlife crisis, instead of learning from past mistakes and taking a different path with their head held high. We cannot change the past, but our future, whatever age you are, is bright. You are never too old to achieve your dreams or even just to begin to dream. I thank God for his Grace in my life and the daily renewal of my mind. This helps me to get my thoughts on track as actions always follow thoughts. Guard your mind, guard your heart, guard your life. I also make sure that I surround myself with people who are like-minded, and stay away from negativity in thought, circumstance and people. Get up off that couch, start taking the stairs, put down that cake, and most of all, stop beating yourself up… you are a winner!!

To read the full Interview with MusclemaniaĀ® Masters World ChampionĀ  purchaseĀ Volume 7 Issue 2 of Natural Bodz magazineĀ Click here