The Fitness modeling industry is really an untapped market in regards to what you can accomplish because there are so many incredible opportunities that can present itself to you if you are at the right place at the right time. Very few ever in the history of the fitness industry have really made it as a mainstream fitness personality or mainstream celebrity. It is one of the few industries where you can be a superstar and have a huge name but nobody has ever heard of you outside of it and the reason is because the industry is very small in retrospect to mainstream society.
So you win a fitness competition and you land a cover of a magazine so now you probably I think I’ve made it and now I can move to the U.S and make a lot of money and be a big star. The answer to that is no you haven’t made it yet and this is the reason why: It takes time (preferably 3-5 years) to build a large following and credibility within the fitness industry where you can land sponsorships and create a big enough name for yourself when you can make residual money off of your name. You haven’t made it if you landed on a magazine cover or won big fitness competitions. You’ve made it when you can successfully leverage those accolades and make a living off of your name within the fitness industry.
To really create opportunities for yourself you have to brand yourself more than just a fitness model. If all that you can do is look good on stage and take good pictures that is not enough anymore to really succeed.
The rest of this article is available in Australian Natural Bodz Volume 5 Issue 5