The Winning Team – Team Models & Muscle
Profile on 2015 Asia Pacific Team Championship WinnersOur role as coaches is different for each individual client. We have experienced personal trainers and Australian sporting champions on our team. They don’t need as much
guidance on how to get the best out of their training etc. Our role in their prep is entirely different to others on our teams. A coach should be flexible & be able to identify what your client’s strengths & weaknesses are & help them capitalise on their strength & prop up their weaknesses.
Above all we provide a huge amount of support for our client’s during their prep & on the day of their comp and even more importantly after their comp. Our job as a coach is to SUPPORT, however they need it (within reason).
We have a strong focus on health. Making sure that our client’s leave us more healthy, stronger & leaner than when they started with us. We are about changing peoples body composition rather than “shredding fat” or “bulking”. The programs we put together are delivered on a program called Recomposer which helps take all the guesswork out of your training. We take a measured approach with our client’s training so they can confidently track their progress & know that they are losing fat not muscle & gaining lean mass along the way. We do use cardio (if needed)but not a lot & we use weighted/resistance HIIT sessions to keep hold of lean mass.
Nutrition is key. Our clients are well fed. Plenty of carbs (and I don’t mean vegetables) Red meat, white meat, rice, potato, fruit, veggies, fats … Tell us what you like to eat & we will provide you with options that fit your tastes.
Our roles – Leonie (Mumma Bear) is the business person. She does all the nutrition & posing and organising the hair, make-up, tans, travel, emotional support etc.Terence (Black Magic)is the trainer, master of torture. He is also a great shoulder to cry on and gets very emotionally invested in his clients. He’s been known to shed quite a few tears at comps when our client’s nail their goals.
History – Terence has been competing for over 10 years & Leonie started 7 years ago after they met & became a couple. They have won a number of awards & competed in many federations in Australia & also overseas. Wanting to have a break from competing they decided to try their hand at applying their knowledge to helping people compete. A number of their competitors have become quite successful Australian Champions & have gone on to compete & take out International titles as well.
We love what we do & the people we meet along the way. Steve & Antonietta Jones have been a great support to us along the way. Thank you guys for giving us this
opportunity & for continuing to be a huge support to this industry. You guys are amazing, xx.
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