Pro Status – What Does it Really Mean?
“Within the fitness industry the term PRO has become more of a Status Symbol, much ofthis has been perpetuated through social media networks”
Go Pro, is it a small action camera you can take anywhere or a Status in the Fitness Industry? Already confused! Don’t be as it’s quite simple if you have a clear understanding of what “Pro Status” truly means if you are an aspiring athlete in the fitness industry!
Look up the word “Pro” and the definition in the dictionary states – [a professional, especially in sport].In fact it can be a professional out of sport as well, as you can be a Professional in any number of given fields.
In the Fitness Industry it has become more of a “Status Symbol” especially with the growth of Social Media. Essentially it provides bragging rights or a sense of importance. But what does it truly mean for those that compete in Bodybuilding or Fitness events? Or more importantly does it really make a difference to your career or overall success? The answer to both of these questions will be different for every athlete and vary depending on which organization you choose to compete in. In general each organization have their own set of conditions/rules that Pro Athletes have to adhere to so they can maintain their “Pro Status”.
In general the majority of organizations will want you to “ONLY” compete in their events exclusively if you are to maintain their “Pro Status”. This is where a personal decision has to be made by the athlete to ascertain if
becoming a “Pro” is suited to their competitive schedule and future goals. For the athlete that just loves competing across the board in numerous events becoming a “Pro” may not suit because it is somewhat limiting. Although, for some having the word “Pro” in front of their name may be all they desire. Anyhow, let’s run through some of the Pros & Cons (no pun intended) so you have a clearer picture of what it actually means in the
Fitness Industry.
Does gaining “Pro Status” have any bearing on your career or overall success?
Not at all! Success is dependent on an athlete’s business savvy, communication skills, marketing skills and positive outlook.
Having the word “Pro” in front of your name is not going to transform your life.
Look at me… Look at me!
For some, having the “Pro” Status may instil a feeling of importance especially with the inception of Social Media. Although this feeling of importance may diminish rather quickly when the reality sets in and the athlete is “restricted” to “one” organization and the sky doesn’t rain cash!
Most certainly some athletes are happy to have the “Pro Status” and remain loyal to one organization while many may prefer the “Freedom” of being able to compete across the board… having more choices and scope.
Use the titles you have, no matter how big or small they are!
For industry professionals like personal trainers “ANY” prestigious “Title” can be used to help forge credibility in the Fitness Industry, it does not have to be a “Pro” title.
MORE importantly it is how each individual athlete “USES” any given title to build their credibility in the industry. If you win an Amateur “Mr. or Miss Australia or even a State Title” that is a powerful tool if you have the understanding of how to leverage off your success. This is dependent on the business savvy and attitude of each individual athlete. In fact there are many successful “Fitness Professionals” that are earning 6 figures that have never won a “Pro” competition!
To read the full article purchase Volume 6 Issue 4 of Australian Natural Bodz Magazine Click here