Australian Natural Bodz Magazine Volume 2 Issue 5
Star Profile – Figure Star Angela Tsiougos
Stunning figure competitor Angela Tsiougos has captured a flurry of prestigious figure titles since her debut event in 2008, and more recently placing 3rd in the Muscle Mania Fitness Weekend against a formidable line up of international competitors.
Star Profile – Physique Star Glenn Gattellaro
One of Australia’s finest Bodybuilders 26 year old Glenn Gattellaro of Victoria has one of the most impressive physiques in Australia. Glenn provides us with a closer look into his life and what it takes to develop such an impressive physique.
The Top Anti Aging Super Foods and their ORAC Values
Learn all about ORAC levels in foods and why foods with high ORAC levels are classified as super foods.
20 Ways to Improve Your Workouts
Part One of a two part feature on ways to improve your efforts in the gymnasium and how little things that you may have overlooked can make a huge difference.
Stop Counting Reps and Start to Grow
Do numbers really matter when we hit the gym and do our muscles recognize number of reps and sets? It’s time to let go of the old school count by numbers training programs and understand the one most important factor that is missing.
Muscle Fibers & Facts You Need to Know
Discover what your muscles are really made of and the basic functionality of slow twitch and fast twitch muscle fibers. Do you know the difference?
So You Want To Be A Fitness Model
Fitness Modeling is a huge industry in the US and soon to become the next biggest thing in Australia. US Fitness Super Stars Natalia Muntean and Obi Obadike provide a detailed introduction into this exciting world of fitness modeling.
Train Smart
Foam body rollers for fitness and flexibility.
The pros & cons of working out in the morning or afternoon.
Supplement Central
7 Keto DHEA- Proven fat loss minus the hype.
Thyme oil may help with inflammation.
L-Methionine improves liver health and combats estrogen.
Health Sex & Longevity
Natural Anti Aging properties of anti-oxidants. Maternal obesity leaves offspring at risk!
Lack of sleep related to fat around organs.
Competition Corner
OOfitness Q & A with Obi Obadike.
Tribute to the late Michael Malonzo, natural bodybuilder, who will be remembered for his love of this sport.
Cutting-Edge articles on all aspects of Nutrition, training and health & fitness.