Australian Natural Bodz Magazine Volume 3 Issue 4
Star Profiles – Fitness Celebrity Natalia Muntean
This issue features the stunning and talented Natalia Muntean. Currently one of the worlds most successful fitness models. We take a closer look at how she has shaped both her body and career to incredible heights.
Star Profile – Pedro Relvas
Pedro Relvas has undergone a major battle only to come out on top with a success in both martial arts and natural bodybuilding. One of the most inspiring profiles you will ever read!
6 Pack Abs – Fact VS Fiction
It’s time to take a closer look into how to really get a great set of abs. Is there really a magical pill, potion or device that will help us achieve a rippling six pack?
Six Crazy Half Truths About Weight Training
Who do we believe when it comes to advice on weight training? Half truths can be dangerous when it comes to exercise so let’s expose six of the worst before they do damage!
Supplement Synergy: How to get the most from your Supplements
Steve Jones explains how certain supplements can work together to enhance the effect of each other ten-fold. Get the best bang for your buck from the supplements you purchase!
Preparing For Your First Competition
Looking for a guide for your first bodybuilding, figure or fitness competition. Steve Jones provides a detailed insight into whats required to succeed in your first competition.
How Bad Do You Want It? By Obi Obadike
So you want to be a Fitness Model? The big question is how bad do you want it? WBFF World Pro Fitness Model Obi Obadike gives a clear account of what it takes to make it to the upper echelon of fitness modeling.
Nutrition Knowledge Centre
Cocoa compounds aid digestive health.
Beetroot Juice for an active life.
Big breakfast no aid to weight loss.
High sugar consumption with teens.
Train Smart
Early morning training promotes growth.
12 tips to selecting the perfect gym!
Hip exercises found effective for reducing knee pain.
Supplement Central
L Leucine triggers Anabolic Response.
Amino acids fight muscle breakdown irrespective of carbs ingested.
WPI fights strength declines.
Health, Sex & Longevity
Fountain of youth in your muscles! Heavy drinking increases risk of prostate cancer. Curry spice may protect your liver. Sitting down for too long bad for your health.
Fitness Minds
Dave Bergwerf talks about using positive thoughts and inspiration to create success.
The Natural Chef
Perfect Sweet sugar free fruit tea jelly and Protein pancakes.
2011 Asia Pacific International Championships Physique, Figure, Model and Fitness Model Promotional A2 Pullout Poster
Whether you are looking to compete in this years 2011 ANB Asia Pacific International Championships or just need a little motivation to keep you going through the winter months, this double sided A2 poster will give you something to aim for. Open to all competitors from across the world with a huge prize pool on offer, come take part or come witness this incredible event on the amazing Gold Coast
12-13 June 2011.
Cutting-Edge articles on all aspects of Nutrition, training and health & fitness.