Australian Natural Bodz Magazine Volume 6 Issue 5
Our Cover Models:
This issue features one of Australia’s top Fitness Model Ebony Mc Laughlin of Queensland. Ebony has won numerous Fitness Modeling Titles Including the 2013 ANB Asia Pacific Fitness Modeling Championships Female Fitness Tall Class. The image featured on this cover was captured at the Natural Bodz Media Day Shoot by Editor Steve Jones. Find Ebony on Facebook Here
Featuring with Ebony is the one and only king of Aesthetics Musclemania® Pro Ulisses. This image was captured by Natural Bodz Editor Steve Jones at the recent Ulisses & Simeon Panda Musclemania Muscle Camp held on Queensland’s Gold Coast. Shot on location at the Mass Training facility in Burleigh Heads. Ulisses is fresh off his victory at the Fitness Universe Weekend where her won the Overall Pro Musclemania® Universe Title adding to his prestigious list of titles including last years Musclemania® World Pro Title in Las Vegas at the Fitness America Weekend.
Ulisses is without doubt one of the most Aesthetic bodybuilders on the planet and offers online training plans with comprehensive nutrition and training programs for those looking to get serious results from their efforts in the gym.
You can check out his official website at for details on his training plans.
His official Facebook fanpage at
On Instagram at
Nutrition Knowledge Centre:
Almonds aid with digestive health
Apple compounds combat inflammation
Excess sugar increases risk of death
Cocoa combats inflammation
Melt stubborn fat with these super foods
Shellfish diet may work best for weight loss
High glucose equals lower testosterone
Feature: Can Exercise make Bad fat into Good Fat?
Regular contributor Reggie Simons investigates the two different types of body fat we have and whether exercise can help turn those evil doing bad fats into healthy fat burning brown fat.
Star Profile: Musclemania® Pro Julian Navarro
In this issue we feature one of Musclemania’s rising stars Julian Navarro. Julian won the Overall Musclemania Universe title in 2013 and has his eyes set on defending his title in 2014. In this feature he shares some of his secrets of success including contest prep, training and creating the winning mind set.
Feature: 7 Reasons to Ditch The Cheat Meals
In this issue we take a look at those questionable cheat meals that we all like to sneak in every now and again. Are they really all that good for us or should we be ditching them all together. We take a look at the reasons why they could be limiting your fat burning and muscle building potential.
In the Spotlight with Ian “The Tank” Tinsley
We put thirty one year old Natural Bodz Cover Model Ian “The Tank” Tinsley under the spotlight in this issue. He shares some insight into his life in the fitness industry and what his goals are for the immediate future.
Train Smart:
Rapid weight loss without losing muscle
Make every rep count.
10 minutes of exercise still works for weight loss.
The slower your reps the faster your muscles grow.
Pull-over for maximum muscle gains.
Feature: Garciana Cambogia – Weight loss Wonder or Blunder?
We take a closer look at this hyped up weight loss ingredient that has had some major media coverage including great raps on the Dr Oz television show. Is it what it’s cracked up to be? We ask that question and more but also look at the most important aspect…the science!
Supplement Central:
Hot new supplement- HMB Free Acid!
Resveratrol for muscle growth.
L Arginine L Lysine combo reduce cortisol levels.
Star Profile: Fitness Model and Figure Pro Anna Mc Manamey
In this issue we feature Queensland’s Anna Mc Manamey the multi-talented Figure and Fitness sensation that stormed onto the scene in 2013 taking just about every major title there was up for grabs. We wanted to find out Anna’s secrets to success so we dug deep and asked her to share some of her inner most secrets of success with Natural Bodz readers.
Health, Sex and Longevity:
Junk food may compromise brain health.
Post exercise hormones predict biological age.
The new numbers you need to know.
6 things you can do to live to 100!
Live longer with healthy fats.
Work stress in your 40’s may hit you later on.
Feature: ProBiotics – The Missing Link Between Equilibrium and Growth.
George L Redmon PHD takes us on a journey into the world of Probiotics and how these tiny microorganisms govern many other physiological mechanisms that regulate the body’s anabolic, metabolic and bio-energetic potential.
Fitness Minds:
Deb Reviere shares her motivational mantra on pursuing your dreams no matter what life throws at you.
Natural Chef:
This issues healthy recipe is the delicious Salmon Dijon with Fresh Lemon.