Tim Robards In The Spotlight

Fitness Model Timmy Robards 

This issue features Timmy “Shredded Cowboy” Robards  from Queensland’s Gold Coast. Name: Tim Robards |    Height:  180cm |    Weight: 80kg    |    Age: 33   |    Location: Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia Occupation: Welder.

Years in the fitness industry: 1

Who or what inspired you to get involved in the health and fitness industry? My bad habits and the need to be active with my children inspired me to get back into the gym! I decided to take the extra step into competitive bodybuilding when I met Josh Hohua from EPA!

The body transformation you have achieved in such a short time is outstanding; can you share some advice for those that think that it’s out of their reach to achieve such amazing results? Thank you very much! It’s definitely been tough but if I can do it anyone can do it! It’s never out of reach for anyone you just have to take the bull by the horns say enough is enough sacrifice a few things and do it!!

What type of diet do you follow leading into an event? I just stick to the diets that my trainer gives me and trust I trust him to bring me in on point!

How many days a week do you train and do you prefer weight training over cardio, what works best for you? I train 7 days a week and only do cardio a couple of weeks out from comp for that last bit of my cut down. My weight program is pretty intense lots of high rep big set action!

You whipped the audience and judges into shape with your Cowboy theme wear at the Natural Bodz Asia Pacific. Is whipping a hobby of yours, how did you get into it? Hahaha YEEEE HAA!! Well thank you! I grew up on a dairy farm in a small country town called Wingham so the cowboy thing runs in the veins but the stock whipping is a newly acquired skill! And the neighbors love it ha,ha,ha!

How important is it to maintain a balance in life between work and play, what’s your success mantra? It is very important and I’m glad you asked because sometimes I really don’t how I get it all done!

How has being involved in the Fitness Industry changed your life? It has changed my life immensely, I am fitter and so much more active with my kids, the missus loves my new Magic Mike routine! And I have met so many wonderful and like minded people along my weight loss journey and have no doubt made lifelong friends in the process and lost a ton of weight is a bonus!

Future goals/events in the Fitness Industry? I think I’ll give the bodybuilding side of things a go next year but as long as I keep improving myself I’m happy! Oh and to one day be in a magazine that would be sweet!


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