Mastering The World Of Fitness Modelling
By 2013 Model™ America Overall Champion, accredited Dietitian Mark RobinsonThe decision one makes to compete does perhaps not resonate until a couple of weeks have passed without a single treat of any sort, without a slight sleep in beyond sun rise, without missing a single repetition in the gym and the all a sudden fanatical inherent obsession of checking yourself out with continuous judgement…you just realise you have embarked on perhaps the hardest mental challenge of your life!
Yes, Fitness Modelling has now become a full blown commercial sport, which like any other sport requires absolute dedication, self discipline and plenty of perfect practice to master! One difference is that it can be hard to gauge your progress because most of the time it is a long prep with only one competition to show off your skills, there are no intermittent comps or playoffs or warm up ‘matches’ – it’s all about practicing so that you peak on game day!
This is what I think contributes to why we all find the process so hard – it is in essence a competition or a fight against yourself for weeks on end – a test of resistance and resilience! The element of self doubt constantly lingers and so too the luring temptations of all your favourite luxuries that seem to heighten each of your senses beyond control, a combination that delivers you time and time again to a crossroads of whether this whole process is worth continuing or not!?
The decision you make to get into the best shape of their life brings with it numerous challenges. These will most definitely include discovering the true meaning of four very valuable traits; commitment, dedication, self-discipline, and strength – both mental and physical. These four traits will be required in their fullest form during your training sessions, but will likely be even more pertinent to achieving success in your Diet, which I define as ‘accurately adhering to a functional and extremely clean eating plan aligned with your ultimate goal’.
Let’s define these necessary traits (Thesaurus, 2012):
Commitment: ‘a pledge to do’
Dedication: ‘complete and whole hearted devotion’
Self-Discipline: ‘training and control of oneself and one’s conduct, desires, emotions, and actions’
Strength: ‘the state or quality of being physically or mentally powerful’
The positive side is that an upcoming Fitness Modelling and Body Building Competition, such as the altitude of a Natural Bodz Asia Pacifics or Musclemania Show with its’ associated exposure opportunities is hopefully going to motivate you sufficiently to ensure you look your absolute best come event day. Motivation will go a long way in supporting the practice of the four above
explained necessary traits for training and dieting.
The Mind! Yes I too remember preparing for my first comp and really letting it get to me and everyone around me until my wife eventually put me in my place! I grew to realize there is no point in even considering to compete unless you can mentally cope with it! And that means not letting it change your personality and rule your world! Because then even if you win – is it really a win if you have upset those closest to you in your lead up!
Thankfully though, with experience I have learnt one can actually make Fitness Modelling a sustainable and even enjoyable Lifestyle, an exciting journey that everyone can feel a part of! It’s about managing the emotions by constantly setting small targets that become achievable, motivating and rewarding! The current state of Fitness Modelling makes this easy with all the publicity and exposure opportunities, like Natural Bodz lead the way in, it is a waste to only be in shape for one competition and neglect the rest of the year! Being a Fitness Model actually comes with the expectation that you will be in optimal condition all year round – ready for sponsorships, photo shoots and regular guest appearances – this requires finding a balance in your Mental Capacity, Diet and Training!
Remember, Fitness Modelling is also far beyond just a physique, it requires presentation! Once you have mastered your physique, a champion presents it in a humble yet confident manner. One that draws an audience in without having to try hard, one that presents as if in a show rather than a competition, one that relishes the big match temperament, one whom’s down to earth respect to others is the essence of their aura.
Inspiring factors or characters have always been a large part of my fitness progression
I was first introduced to guys like Jean Claude Van Damne and Sylvester Stallone, well only in the virtual world of Television, way back when I was well below the going age limit to watch films like Blood Sport, Double Impact, Cobra and Rambo. But man I am grateful I got into them at an early age! Because these types of characters initially sparked my intrigue into the concept of sculpting your own body, and in a perhaps funny way they continue to still to this day.
Outside of Physical Conditioning, a certain Mr Roger Federer deserves a mention for the inspiration he unknowingly provides me with. This is to do with the incredible consistency he has brought to the tennis court for so many straight years. Beyond performance though he is humble and respectful and seems to have mastered the concept of a ‘well balanced lifestyle’
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